Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Blog Tour: Time Spell

Blog Tour

Time Spell

By T. A. Foster




Ivy Grace is learning that magic--and love--are all about the right timing.

Follow the adventures of this spirited young Southern woman as she embarks upon a successful new career writing novels and movies that explore romantic mysteries of the past.

Ivy, a witch who spends her days practicing her brand of good magic in a sleepy little city, often travels back in time to observe events of yesteryear and turn them into compelling stories for her modern-day fans. But as her uncanny ability to weave enthralling historic tales lands her in the limelight, she quickly finds that fame sometimes comes with a price.

Evil forces now know who she is and threaten to reveal her family’s most sacred magical secrets.

With the help of her ruggedly handsome editor and a sexy supernatural ex-boyfriend, Ivy must unravel history while fighting to keep these ominous forces at bay.

Will Ivy be able to make the ultimate sacrifice for the people she loves the most?


Exclusive Interview:

 What’s a typical writer’s day for you?

With a hot cup of coffee in hand, I usually start my workdays checking email and social media before writing. Depending on where I am in the process the day may be dedicated to researching, to editing, or to writing. I try to schedule myself out a few weeks in advance so I can carve in enough time for all three components in my books. I usually do the bulk of my writing during the day so I can spend my evenings with my family.

What’s your favorite thing about writing paranormal?

My favorite part has to be the ability to completely suspend reality where I want or need to in the storyline. It’s so much fun to create a new world and characters who exist in that world.

What’s the hardest thing about being self-published?

I’m a very organized person and I like structure, so for me the hardest part about approaching self-publishing was that there was no specific guideline to follow. There are so many wonderful authors who have advice and recommendations that may be completely opposite from each other. Learning to sift through the material and tips that are available and choose the path that is best for my books and me has been a journey of trial and error.

What is the best part of being a self-published author?

On the flip side of my previous answer about being self-published is the tremendous amount of freedom I have as a writer. It allows for me to have more family time and less stress, which ultimately leads to a much more creative and productive me. 

What one piece of advice would you give writers?

Let things simmer. Meaning, don’t just write something, fire it off, and think you’re done. Take your time to think about the words, the order, the storyline, and your characters before you declare completion. Sometimes it helps to step back for a couple of weeks then return to what you’ve written. A little perspective can go a long way.

Tell us a little about Time Spell?

The story follows the adventures of a twenty-something author, turned screenwriter, and how she copes with trying to be a witch in the regular world. Ivy Grace has the unique ability to be able to observe events from the past, which she uses as inspiration for her writing. In Book One of the series, readers are introduced to Ivy, her family, the two loves in her life, and how time traveling has some dangerous risks. There is also a story within the story, so the readers should have fun getting to meet a new cast of characters in each book of the series.

What was your favorite part of Time Spell, when you were writing?

I love to read historical fiction, and even though I was not attempting to write historical fiction with Time Spell, I loved the research involved in Ivy’s travels. My hope is that readers get a real sense of what it felt like in the Starlight casino in 1968. I listened to music from that time, researched magazines, fashion, popular movies and TV shows. The story within the story is intentionally over-the-top glitzy and glamorous—1968 Las Vegas seemed like the perfect setting to portray that feel.

Tell us something most people don’t know about you?

This is a fun question. Hopefully, I won’t sound like a crazed fan, but I have seen Tim McGraw in concert fourteen times (not all in one year!) The first time I saw him was the fall of 1997 when I covered his Everywhere concert tour as a co-reviewer for The Daily Tar Heel. I was hooked after that first show and try to see him every chance I get. Coincidentally, I went to Las Vegas while I was writing Time Spell to see Soul2Soul, the Tim McGraw/Faith Hill concert, and to do a little Vegas research for the book.





About the Author:


T.A. Foster is a Southern girl whose heart and spirit are connected to the beach. She grew up catching rays and chasing waves along the North Carolina Outer Banks and now resides in the state with her adventurous pilot husband, two children and two canine kiddos. 

Her long love affair with books started at an early age and as soon as she was able, she transformed imaginative stories into words on paper. Time Spell is T.A.’s debut novel, and the first in a series about a very adventurous, clever, and magical girl named Ivy.

T.A. has an undergraduate degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a graduate degree in Educational Psychology from Texas A&M University.  When she’s not chasing her two-legged and four-legged children or trying to escape for date night, you can find her reading, writing or planning her next beach trip.



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